Photos: Murder victim Sowmya; Dr. Shirley Vasu
Dr. Sherly Vasu,
the senior-most government forensic pathologist in Kerala, talks
about her experiences, including the post-mortem of Sowmya, whose
brutal rape and murder shocked the conscience of the people
By Shevlin Sebastian
“There were
multiple nail marks below Sowmya's left collarbone,” says Dr.
Sherly Vasu, forensic pathologist at the Thrissur Medical College.
“There were indentations on the left wrist, caused by the right
hand of the assailant. Sowmya's forehead was hit with great force
against a hard vertical surface several times. It caused a fracture
in the skull.” On her frontal lobe, there were several small
haemorrhages. Sowmya also suffered cheek and jaw bone injuries.
Fourteen teeth were broken. This led to severe bleeding inside the
mouth. Then the assailant picked up Sowmya, took her to an isolated
area nearby, and sexually assaulted her."
All this was
deduced by Dr. Sherly by intently studying the body. This attack had
rocked the state of Kerala. A quick recap: On February 1, 2011,
Sowmya, a 23-year-old girl was travelling in the empty ladies
compartment of the Ernakulam-Shoranur passenger train, when she was
assaulted and raped by Govindachamy, who belonged to Tamil Nadu.
Astonishingly, Govindachamy has a paralysed left arm.
On February 6,
Sowmya died of her injuries. In October, Dr. Sherly had testified in
the court, explaining in detail at what she had observed in Sowmya's
body. On November 10, a fast track court awarded the death sentence
to Govindachamy.
“I felt a
satisfaction when the accused was found guilty,” says Dr. Sherly,
who is the senior-most pathologist in the state. For 30 years, she
has been doing post-mortems.
So what is the
method that she uses? “Before doing the post-mortem it is important
to analyse the medical history of the patient,” she says. “Without
knowing that, it is like searching for a needle in a haystack. There
are a thousand causes of death.”
Thereafter, there
is a close observation of the external body, to see whether there is
bleeding, rigor mortis, or discolouration of the skin. “If there is
jaundice, the skin will be of a yellow colour,” she says.
Then the actual
post-mortem begins, by cutting open the scalp and taking the brain
is porcelain white in colour. “When you hold it, the brain feels
like a hardened jelly-like substance,” says Dr. Sherly. “It is
surrounded by fluids. There are three layers covering the brain: the
dura, arachnoid, and the pia mater. There may be bleeding under each
to Dr. Sherly life rests on a tripod of the brain, heart and lungs.
“If one of them does not work, within minutes, the other two organs
will fail,” she says. “So death can enter through the brain,
cardiac or the respiratory portal.”
taking out the brain, an incision is done from the chin to the pelvic
area. All the organs are taken out: the tongue, neck, diaphragm,
liver, intestines and kidneys. “All these are studied,” says
Sherly. Finally, the body is washed, everything is put back in and
the skin is sewn.
what is the importance of a post-mortem? “According to the law, the
Registrar General of India has a right to know the cause of the death
of every individual,” says Dr. Sherly. “For criminal cases, we
have to do forensic investigations. For every unnatural death, there
has to be an investigation. If there is an accident in the house or
the road, there is a right for compensation. When it comes to
insurance claims, or negligence by doctors, a case can be filed only
on the basis of a post-mortem.”
for Dr. Sherly, the job has been fulfilling one. “I am doing a
service to society,” she says. “I am also grateful to the police
who render a lot of help. And in all these years, nobody has put any
pressure on me, to modify my conclusions in favour of anybody.”
whether she has nightmares at night, because of the nature of the
job, Dr. Sherly laughs, and says, “I don’t get upset by what I
do, even though I know that ordinary people don’t see all this,”
she says. “I sleep peacefully at night because I am a deep believer
in Guruvayurappan [Lord of Guruvayur]. I
have a feeling I am in his palm. I get tranquility from that.”
(The New Indian Express, Kochi)

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